Hi all!
I'm super excited to share a simple recipe on how to prepare a YUMMY grilled chicken breast!
This simple recipe can be add on to your choice of dinner meal for the whole family. It is super easy to prepare and sesuai sangat dikala waktu bosan makan nasi atau goreng goreng kat rumah.
Usually,kita selalu looking for grilled chicken or grilled beef when having meals outside right? So now, untuk SAVE BUDGET sempena harga minyak yang asik naik..apa kata kita cuba masak sendiri jer kat rumah this simple yet delicious meal. It is healthy too, cuma kalau nak kurangkan lemak lagi..avoid adding too much salad dressing or cheesy cheese spread ;p
So here goes, the ingredients we need and steps of preparing:
1. Purified chicken breasts
( kenapa perlu purify? )
- biasanya kita bersihkan dengan air biasa. Cuba bau ayam tu? Mesti hanyir and tak berapa nak sanggup bau.
- penyingkiran kesan antibiotik, fatty acids dan juga bau hanyir pada ayam akan boleh dibuang melalui purification process with ozone technology. So, I used Biozone Food Purifier to do the job for about 30 minutes.
Close up look.. Buih buih akan terhasil dan berkumpul
After 30 minutes purification process, kaut semua buih tadi dan cub gumpalkan. Kalau betul ia buih semata mata, ia akan hilang/pecah and gone. BUT, this one akan bergumpal jadi gumpalan kenyal seperti lemak! So, buang terus, and bilas sahaja ayam tadi dengan filtered water. Cuba bau ayam tu, confirm tiada hanyir lagi! :)
This is why I always purified my fresh meat, veges and fruits.
2. Bahan untuk perap ayam pula:
Olive oil
Garam buluh (bamboo salt)
Pastikan purified chicken breasts tadi dikelar dulu, untuk mudahkan proses serapan bahan yang kita hendak marinate.
Then, gaulkan olive oil sedikit pada ayam.
Tambah garam buluh, ratakan.
Tambah black papper, ratakan.
Tambahkan BBQ sauce, ratakan.
Urut-urutkan ayam tadi sambil ratakan bahan yang perap tadi secukup rasa :)
3. It is ready to be grilled now. Panaskan grilled pan, just letak sedikit olive oil, dan letakkan ayam. From time to time, check bahagian dalam ayam untuk pastikan dimasak rata dan secukupnya. We want to make it crispy diluar, juicy inside!
4. Prepare the mixed salads and cherry tomato. Make sure to purify them first with Biozone Food Purifier too.
- hilangkan kesan bahan kimia and keeping them fresh and crunchy too!
5. To prepare the sandwich, we also need :
Hard boiled Eggs,
you can also make it softer if you like.
boleh pilih jenis roti yang anda suka. I choose white bread from gardenia ;) If you like it crunchy, toast them first.
Cheesy Cheese Sandwich Spread
.. I just bought this one, and memang sedap. Boleh cuba kalau suka cheese.
Chilli Sauce
.. Saya memang orang melayu so suka pedas sikit and I added this Life Thai Chilli Sauce
Once the grilled chicken is ready, boleh susun the mixed sallad on your big plate. Put the grilled chicken breasts on the sallads..Boleh hias cantik-cantik. My presentation tak berapa ok here, tapi yang penting sedap ok ;) hehe
You can also slice them into pieces as you like.
You can also enjoy the chicken with mixed sallads just like that and add on some dressings and eggs.
But for my dinner, hubby requested for a sandwich. Takut tak kenyang katanya! Haha.
So here goes the filling inside my sandwich, letak telur, ayam, salad, cheesey cheese spread, chilli sauce and done!
READY TO EAT ! Jangan lupa baca Bismillah... :)